To blog... a blog... of blogs...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 11:02 AM Posted by Rachel Barnett
If you wonder why I haven't been blogging...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 8:15 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
Today was a marvelous day... and marvelous things happened.
I made no bake cookies tonight. They taste yummy.
The End.
Mrs. Barnett
Thursday, October 1, 2009 at 8:49 AM Posted by Rachel Barnett
In the past few months I have not blogged much of anything at all. My focus was slightly distracted by my engagement to Mr. Michael Barnett. Well... we have survived and I have come out on the other end of this a happily married woman.
Now... it has come the time to focus on other things, but first a picture.
Ok... so the wedding went better than I could have hoped for... it was beautiful in every aspect of the word! Michael and I were surrounded by love and support. =) Then came the honeymoon... again it was fantastic to be able to spend time with my new husband! God really revealed some strength within me that he has been building up for some time now. Michael and I connected in some amazing ways, and we faced some challenges as well.
Now we are home with the kids trying to mesh our lives together. I have to admit that it has been a pretty challenging process so far. I have been pretty messy.... and I have had a really difficult time sharing that messiness with Michael. Well.. other than the times that I attempt to blame him for my messiness. There is something inside of me that always wants for things to be okay... even if I haven't taken the time to truly face the issue. I haven't wanted to connect with God and I have not made much of an effort at all to connect with family or friends in my life. LAME. Apparently it was confession time on the ol' blog here.
I am taking the time to stop and evaluate where I am at... and why not post it for the world to see? I could use the accountability... right? It may possibly motivate me to actually pick up the phone and connect with a LIVE human being. My life is beginning... this is a new and exciting time for me... I am going to stop running away and start moving forward.
Countdown: 1 day 15 hours
Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 9:39 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
My wedding day is almost here and I will soon get to enjoy life as a married woman... a woman that is no longer planning and preparing for a wedding. HA! I can't wait!!!! Michael is an incredible man and I am so blessed to be spending the rest of my days as his partner in life. He's been in my life for a year and a half... and my entire world has seemed to have changed in that short time. Always and forever I will be so thankful that God has brought me the love of my life!!!
Morning Conversation
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 8:11 AM Posted by Rachel Barnett
Our conversation in the car this morning...
Cameran: I know how cops are able to tell if you are speeding. Your red lights go on when you stop and if there are no red lights then you are going.
Christian: Some cops have mustaches.
Cameran: They do. I've never seen one though.
Christian: They really do. For reals... when I am a cop I will have a mustache.
Cameran: I know a cops name once. His name was Cop One.
Christian: His name was Cop One? Was he the first cop ever?
Cameran: Yep. He was the first cop ever. Then came Cop Two, Cop Three, Cop Four, and Cop Five. And the cops with the same numbers ride in the same car, but there can only be five of them. Mom what's five plus five?
Me: Ten
Cameran: There are only ten cops.
The On My Mind List
Saturday, July 25, 2009 at 9:47 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
These are the following things that are currently swirling and twirling around my mind.1. As of tomorrow I will have a 7 year old son. He is such a wonderful son... but for some reason he just keeps having birthdays, growing taller, and learning things. Boys... humph.
2. Building the skills to get married is more difficult than washing a full grown tom cat who is covered in bubblegum. I am really blessed to have Michael by my side through all of this though... he is amazing.
3. Redding is darn hot. Really darn hot. Really really darn hot. I love that it cools down in the evenings though... right now we have all the windows open and there is a cool breeze making its way around.
4. My cat and dog have formed a murderous league of dangerous animals. The cat is the assassin and then the dog disembodies the victim with his teeth. This wouldn't be such an issue, however the disembodiments are frequently occurring within my living room. The latest casualty... a lizard... was found in at least three sections.
5. My ex husband claims he will be coming to the mainland (from Hawaii) this winter. We haven't seen him in over 4 years... and I'm not overly excited about the reunion. The bright side is... I imagine his wardrobe mostly consists of boardshorts and flip flops... and I believe we are due for a winter wonderland when he arrives. Brrrrrrr... =P
6. Happiness should be independent of circumstance.
7. It's extremely difficult to step back and allow for people you love to make poor choices and suffer the consequences of that poor choice.
8. There is a bottle of wine in the fridge and ice cream in the freezer... which one to choose? which one to choose?
9. Lavender pillow spray from Bath and Body Works changed my life... when my head hits the pillow I just seem to melt into the covers.
10. God really loves me a lot. At this point in my life I have a beautiful daughter who loves to talk with me, an amazing and strong son who is learning how to be an honorable man, and I am marrying an honorable man who cooked me a delicious dinner tonight AND THEN massaged my shoulders as I did the dishes. =)