I have really been enjoying our Thursday nights with Frank and Amanda! We were not able take the "Defining the Relationship" class at Bethel... because it doesn't even begin until close to the time when we will *hopefully*... be VERY close to getting married. =) So... I bought the DVDs and workbooks and we are going over to Frank and Amanda's once a week. It has already blessed me SO much to be able to talk and share with them... AND listen to the lessons by Danny Silk of course.
Michael and I are also going to begin to meet with a marriage mentor couple. We should be meeting with them for the first time at the end of next week. I am really excited to get to meet with them! I am especially interested to find out how Michael and I scored on our compatibility tests!!! I'm sure we can already guess the areas of our relationship that could use some extra help, but it will be fun to get the results all the same!!!
Defining the Relationship
Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 9:36 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
Marrying Michael?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 8:25 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
A question that popped up last week is:
Why am I marrying Michael?
I talked with Michael about it today at lunch. We had a delicious meal at The Downtown Eatery, the sweet potato fries are AMAZING!! Anyhow... his answer is totally different then mine.. its not even funny. It just goes to prove that he is indeed a man and I am indeed a woman. I won't share his answer... if you want to know... then you'll have to ask him. LOL I'm sure he'll love getting asked this question more than once. ;)
So, "Why am I marrying Michael?" I believe that God has an amazing purpose for my life. He has things that he wants for me to do, that no one else on the face of the planet would be able to do. Ya... I'm special... you are too!! =) Michael is the man that God has placed in my life to help me to fulfill that purpose. He has tools, gifts, and insights that are an incredible blessing to me and super supportive on my journey. My relationship with Michael is an adventure that teaches me more and more about relationships each and everyday. That is one of the main reasons that God created us... relationship... relationship with Him and relationship with others. I am making a commitment to carry on with this adventure with him for the rest of my life. Learning together how to pursue God and how to pursue each other. It's lovely learning all of this relationship stuff with Mr. Barnett.
Oh ya and as far as marriage is concerned... it helps that I am MADLY in love with Michael. The passion runs deep my friend. ;)
Dresses and Glory
Monday, June 15, 2009 at 8:24 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
There are so many wedding plans swirling around... it is AMAZING!!! Everything that Michael has planned for our wedding so far is an absolute dream come true!! I was able to find my wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses on the very first trip out. I can't even begin to express how completely blessed I am. God is giving me more than I could have ever dreamed for. Those small little things, the things that I would be too embarrassed to even say out loud... he's giving me those things too!
This weekend I got to go with my maid of honor, one of my bridesmaids, my grooms mom, my grooms sister, and my step-mom on a trip to find the perfect dress. It was such a wonderful time! I was so excited that everyone was able to come and share in that time.Okay... time to step back... there is a purpose for me not knowing the date of my wedding. There is a purpose for Michael taking over the responsibility of planning our wedding. I'm supposed to be doing something else... I am supposed to be preparing my heart. What does that look like? To begin I am starting to look deeper inside my heart... "strength-training"... the heart kind. On Sunday I had a vision during worship where God revealed to me that I have NEVER fully experienced his glory. I have had glimpses of it... on the side of my face... on the back of my neck... but I have NEVER come face to face on my knees with his glory. He revealed this to me... because it is going to change. I am going to be hit smack in the face with it... and I'll never want to be away from it again... I will spend the rest of my life seeking His glory.
I haven't been ready, but I will be. He's drawing me closer everyday... he reveals himself more and more all the time. I am going to keep pressing in... I can't wait to see what is around the next bend. So... as the wedding plans move closer... I am trying to keep my focus on drawing closer to God. It's really tough sometimes, I could probably spend A LOT of my time focused on the wedding. Dreaming... dreaming.. dreaming... God give me the strength instead to be preparing... preparing... preparing.
The Presence
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 10:10 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
I felt the presence of God tonight. It was one of those moments where my heart simply began to ache from the love and peace I was experiencing. I long so much to live in that place... to rest at His feet and take pleasure in His presence.
My core group was tonight. I have been so incredibly blessed by my relationships with these women. I've blogged before about some of the struggles that I have faced in my friendships. I have been an unhealthy person... which led me to pursue and create unhealthy friendships. The dynamic that I have been experiencing in my core group is absolutely indescribable!! I've never felt like this about a group of women before, I walk into a room with them and I feel at peace. I love listening to their stories... and sharing my heart with them. I love being vulnerable with these women... I love being able to rest in their strength.
Praise God for all of the amazing things he has been doing!!! He takes care of me and provides me with all of the desires of my heart. From the smallest moments, to the life altering times... He delights in showing me how much He truly loves me. His anointing is clearly on my life... the blessings have been falling down like rain and I cannot even begin to imagine what he has in store for me next. I am so undeserving... and he loves me anyway. Even in those "hard to swallow" times... they are all just a reminder of how he longs to care for me.
Resting at his feet... I love to lay in his presence... I don't have to do or say anything... he delights in my peace!! =) I am going to seek more of this... I am going to seek more of the simple pleasure of being with Him.