It is so easy for me to speak forgiveness. Not so easy for me to let go and truly forgive. At least not without truly dealing with my pain and hurt.
I'm learning and yes it is tough.
I've realized that if I don't face these areas that I have held onto for so long... I will never be able to truly trust the people around me. I don't want for anger and bitterness to randomly pop up in my life. I need to be able to show love to everyone, everywhere, always. That is my desire. I don't want to get caught up in my head, evaluating situations and people to make sure that they are safe. I want to jump in and trust that God is going to take care of me.
We are all born with a sense of justice. We all want for things to be fair and for those who wrong us to be punished for what they have done. It's good to want justice. God instilled that into all of us for a reason. I am learning grace though. In order to receive God's grace in my life, I desire to share that same grace with everyone else.
Well... I am going to end this by sharing a picture of me in my new office. We are officially in our new building and as you can tell... I am thrilled!!!! God is doing great things in my life!!! I am so grateful for all of the blessings he has been pouring down.

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