A lovely picture of my precious daughter, before she went to bed tonight.

The world has changed and to be honest most of the time I'm not really sure what to do with it all. The past year has resulted in some HUGE changes for me. Goodness... two years ago I don't think many would even recognize me as being the same person haha. God has messed me up... and while it hasn't always felt pleasant... it has been amazing. I believe there is a Joyce Meyer quote that talks about the potter and the clay analogy. She says something along the lines of: imagine being the clay being pushed and pulled and having pieces that have to come off because they aren't part of the vessels purpose... I don't imagine it feels very nice to be the clay.
I am definitely the clay. God has challenged me to be direct and honest with the people in my life. Something that isn't very pleasant... considering I'm not a very big fan of confrontation. Sometimes honesty creates confrontation and that's scary... but I am learning to trust that with God in control of my life... it's okay. It's okay to speak my mind and be honest, even if it's not pretty and isn't what people would expect to hear from me. I still struggle with it before I ACTUALLY do it... but I get there and eventually it will become natural for me.
God has been teaching me that I am a fighter. Ya... seriously ha... who would have thought? When I am faced with a tough situation I typically see two options:
1. Fight it.
2. Give up.
Since I have no desire to give up... most of the time I end up fighting it... which is and isn't good... it isn't good when I do it without God's help and attempt to do it with my own strength. I'm learning that there is another option... which involves surrender... but it also involves seeking out the truth... and fighting the lies on my knees in prayer. I have authority and strength in the kingdom of God... wow my God is good. =)
So... that is where I am at this beautiful Easter Sunday. MUCH MUCH more to come...
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