This is a picture of Michael and I when we first started our relationship in December of 2007.

This past memorial day weekend, Michael and I were house-sitting at my Aunt Cyndee's house. It was a blast!!! She has a pool, pond, horse, dogs, property, a beautiful home and we definitely made use of all of it this weekend. On Saturday... I was really struggling with some things... and so I started to talk with Michael about it and be vulnerable with him. We began reading Psalms 40 together (amazing chapter!!!) and praying. In the middle of that, Christian got in trouble and was sitting in time out on the couch. Michael calls Christian over and says, "What would you think about me marrying your Mom?" Christian says, "That would be good, you are nice" haha so cute!! So.... Michael looks at me and says, "I think it is time for you to give me your ring" (you may have to read my post "Discussing Wedding Bells" to know what that means). I don't really know what to do or say... so I just sat there quietly staring at him.
Then Michael asks Christian, "What does a man do when he wants for a woman to marry him?" And Christian replies, "He says 'Can you marry me?'" So... Michael looks at me and says, "Can you marry me?" I start laughing and tell him, "YES!!!!" Then Michael looks at Christian and says, "This is what a man does when he wants for a woman to marry him..." at that point he got down on one knee and said some of the most beautiful, personal, and sweet things I have ever heard!!! At the very end he asked me, "Will you marry me?" I said, "Yes." and jumped into his arms with the hugest smile on my face.
Christian went out and told Cameran and she kept asking, "Really? are they really getting married???" Haha the answer is yes.... we are really getting married. We plan on doing marriage mentoring which will take at least 12 weeks (if anyone knows the people over there, could you give them a nudge on getting back to me!!!). Then after that we will be getting married. I am not going to know the date (again you'll have to refer to my previous post "Discussing Wedding Bells" if you want to know why). So... if you want exact details you will have to ask Michael.
I am so incredibly happy!! I have found the man of my dreams and I anticipate with pleasure the day that our two lives will become one. I ask that everyone pray that I am able to rest and enjoy this season of engagement, because honestly I would love to just run off and marry the man of my dreams tomorrow. I know there is something more than that for me in this season though. Thank you everyone for the congratulations!!! All of the well wishes have blessed me more than you know!!! Being able to feel the love and support of the community around us, is such an amazing encouragement to me!!
Ah yes... and the rumors are true... he did propose when I was without make-up and still in my pajamas. Hehe now that is true love!!!
May 27, 2009 at 11:53 AM
How amazing! I am totally crying right now. So sweet. Congratulations!
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