The Wilderness

God showed me that the Israelites stayed in the wilderness because they had a "wilderness mentality" -- certain types of wrong thinking kept them in bondage.
- Joyce Meyer

I have really been stuck in the wilderness lately... and I definitely do not want to stay here for forty years. It is challenging to attempt to change my mindset, the devil has despised my efforts and is throwing down just about everything that he has to stop me. He wants to keep me stuck AND I feel stuck... and I HATE it.

Lately though I have been realizing more clearly something that I have known all along, the victory in my life, my heart, and my mind all belong to God! It is as simple as that! All I have to do is continue to surrender to him. **ha I use the term "all" lightly.. surrender is no easy task in my world**

God has challenged me the past few days with some serious issues that I need to surrender to him. Honestly, I didn't do a very good job of "getting 'er done" today. Mondays... bleck whatever. I still have a few hours before bed and I am making a commitment to turning this day around... and tomorrow I know that I will be even closer to the purpose God has planned for my life. I know it is a big one. There wouldn't be such a great struggle if there weren't such great blessings to come. =)I claim the victory of my Lord and Saviour.

Thank you God for always leading me through the wilderness.