I am learning to listen to my heart. It sounds like a pretty easy task, but it can be nearly impossible some days. When I am struggling with stress, or under pressure, all I want to do is distract myself. Distract myself from my heart in any way that I can. I probably wouldn't even have realized this if it weren't for my amazing Michael who is always wanting to know: where is my heart at?
So, I am learning to listen. I listen and I push away all of those distractions away... and by doing that I am able to have an amazing connection with God and the people that I love. The best way for me to start is by reading the Word of God and praying. It is amazing what a difference this can make in my world. I am so excited about being able to be open and honest with myself, and the people around me.
Naturally, my heart a lot of times can be filled with junk. When I am able to express that though, to talk about it, and lay it at the feet of God. Wow... the junk is able to get cleared out... and I feel SO much better. It can be really difficult to start, but when it happens it is absolutely phenomenal. I have been so blessed to find a man that loves me enough to go through this process with me. One of my favorite things about love, is how it makes us want to be better people, because we know that the people we love deserve our very very best.
Have you listened to your heart today???
Heart to Heart
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 8:18 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
Labels: heart, listen, Michael 0 comments
San Francisco
Monday, July 28, 2008 at 7:13 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett

In celebration of Christian's birthday we went to San Francisco for a Giants game. We had a BLAST!!! It was so nice to get out of town and chill out. We experienced some grumpiness... and I ended up with a few headaches along the way, but over-all we could not have possibly had a better time. There were just soooo many experiences for us.

Labels: Cameran, Christian, Michael, Travel 0 comments
Cam Cam the Fabulous Disco Queen
Sunday, July 20, 2008 at 8:52 AM Posted by Rachel Barnett
Labels: Cameran, Christian 2 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008 at 10:16 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett

Labels: dream, music 0 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008 at 9:15 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
I would just like to say that I HATE grocery shopping. I just got done with a lovely experience shopping, bagging, loading, unloading, unbagging, putting away and organizing groceries. If it weren't for Michael's help I probably would have given up a while ago. Did I mention yet how much I love that man? I do. I do!
K... well I think I am going to go to bed now. I'm exhausted.
Labels: chores 1 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008 at 8:39 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
Ah yes... and I really recommend that everyone check out my Dad's blog. He posted a blog with my late Papa's business wisdom. My Papa was an amazing man that was greatly admired by everyone that met him. If you have any personal wisdom of your own... I really recommend that you take the time to check it out!
Labels: Daddy, wisdom 0 comments
at 7:39 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett

Labels: forgiveness, grace, justice 0 comments