
Summarized Update on My Weekend:

- School. Lots and lots of school work.
- Kids. Went to the lake today *woot woot*
- Boyfriend. Michael has been taking care of me, even through my flood of emotions and feelings. (It won't be like this forever)
- Church. Pastor Bill gave an amazing message this morning about how living up to God's law is impossible without grace. (Another reminder that I need to surrender... ok I get it)
- Round Table. Delivers amazing pizza.
- Life. Messy. I trust God to bring me through this. I have denied a lot of things for a long time and I have been trying to work through those painful memories. Most of the time I feel exhausted and want to give up, but I know that I can make it through this. I want to have honest and open relationships and the only way I can do that is by working through this junk.
- Water. Hydration is lovely!!!
- Charlie. Went to the lake today too and needed a shower tonight desperately.
- Music. My boyfriend makes amazing play lists and right now I am enjoying Soaking by Alberto and Kimberly Rivera.
- School. Needs to be mentioned again because it takes up the majority of my free time. I love all of the stories I get to read for my Lit class!!!

Ahhhh yes and now it is time for bed. Well, a nice glass of ice water and bed. Possibly a nice glass of ice water, a trip to the toilet facilities to disspell excess water, and then to bed.
