Brad Paisley Here We Come!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008 at 6:11 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
Labels: friends 1 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008 at 10:20 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
Have you ever screwed up and said the wrong thing? You were hurting so badly inside and so you somehow ended up taking it out on the people that you love the most?
The lamest part of it all, is realizing the second that it comes out, that you didn't mean it. By then it is too late. You have stuck your foot in your mouth and hurt the person that you love. So they leave... and you call and get their answering machine... and have to leave a pathetic sorry excuse for an apology for being such an incredible ass.
Haha ya... can you tell how my night went? I am really struggling today. I am hurting about things that are important, but instead of dealing with them... I lashed out at the people who care about me.
It's very frustrating for me that I'm not able to even resolve this right now, when I know that I am wrong. I want to grovel. I want to beg for forgiveness. Instead I have to understand that I hurt someone, and they have the right to take as much time as they need. I don't deserve instant relief. So instead of calling a million times (which is sadly what I want to do right now) I thought I would send my apology into the world of blogging and give my loved one the space that they deserve.
I screwed up. I made a mistake, and I know that it will get better. Patience. Patience. Peace will come.
Labels: frustration, mistakes, patience, relationship, struggle 1 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 at 8:35 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
Labels: Emotions, priorities, relationship 0 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008 at 8:50 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
This weekend we went to Concord and I was able to meet Michael's dad's side of the family. His Mom and sister live in town and I was blessed to get to meet them very early on in our relationship. His dad however had been a complete mystery to me, and so it was really fun getting to meet a side of his family that I didn't really know very much about.
Michael's lovely sister Amanda turned 30 this weekend and their dad threw a party at his restaurant. It was so much fun getting to meet these people that have known Michael for so many years. They hired a DJ and there was dancing... and alcohol... ((my favorite being the **peach bellini** yum yum. The best part was getting to be right there by my love... I am so completely blessed to be the woman that gets to be by his side!!!
So.... in case you haven't had enough mushiness from me about the men in my life. I would also like to say:
I didn't get to spend very much time with my Dad today, but I did get to go over and hang out with him friday night. I have been blessed to be able to work with my Dad. I get to see him and spend time with him daily, and I am very grateful for the time that this allows for us to spend together. My Dad is a huge source of guidance in my life, he is one of the first people that I go to with my "BIG" questions, and someone that I have buckets of respect for.
I love you Daddy! I hope you had an amazing father's day!
Labels: Daddy, Family, Michael 1 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 7:41 AM Posted by Rachel Barnett
I am sick. I am tired. My head hurts.
Have you noticed yet that I don't feel good? You might even consider me just a little bit moody. Maybe. I typically tend to be a very positive person, but if you get me down here in the mud I love to wallow in it.
I have always been a whiner... since I was a little girl I have always enjoyed curling up in a little ball and enjoying how miserable I am at that moment. Probably irritating to those who are around me, but I enjoyed it.
I am done being the victim... whether it is the truth or not... I want something better for my life. These times of weakness are the most amazing times for being able to rely on the strength of Jesus. How can I let myself rot in my suffering, when I know that he is by my side?
God is bringing me closer to him. He is revealing to me all of the areas in my life that I am supposed to be turning over to him, instead of being satisfied with my misery. Coming to my Jesus in prayer, placing these burdens at his feet, and then stepping up with the strength that he has blessed me with.
Labels: sacrifice, strength, whine 2 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008 at 5:51 PM Posted by Rachel Barnett
Labels: growth, relationship 0 comments